  • Co Occurring Residential Program
  • Co Occurring Residential Program
    is located at 11900 Beacon Avenue South Seattle, WA. 98178 and can be contacted by calling 206-772-6900. Co Occurring Residential Program offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Prescription Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Addiction

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Residential Long-Term Treatment for Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis, Women, Men, Court Appointed Client Services, Hearing Impaired Clients, Spanish Speaking
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • When blood alcohol levels rise slowly, individuals are less likely to experience blackouts, even if they eventually become drunk.
  • "I'm having as much fun as I can while I'm in college. As soon as I graduate I'll get my act together." REALITY: Your drinking habits can keep you from attending class, studying regularly, or getting involved in a career-oriented club or internship. Plus, if you're thinking of going to grad school, you still need to be making the grade so that your transcript looks good to graduate schools. One other thing to keep in mind: even though no one goes to school intending to become an alcoholic, heavy drinking behavior in college can ultimately lead some people to full-blown alcoholism after college.
  • Members of fraternities and sororities tend to drink more than students who do not participate in the Greek system.
  • In the past three years, New York City has experienced a steady increase in children between 12 and 17 checking into the ER with injuries from binge drinking, going from 899 to 1,211.

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